Camilo Cienfuegos International Clinic
More than 25 years in the field of medical services focused on ophthalmology, the Camilo Cienfuegos International Clinic is accredited as a vanguard institution in international medical services and brand positioning committed to the visual health of its patients.
Characterized by having benefited thousands of Retinitis Pigmentosa patients from 115 countries in all these years, contributing from a unique therapeutic in the world to stop the advance of the disease, which today remains its leading product, now undertakes new routes of services and it expands the portfolio of products in the rest of the medical specialties, in response to the diversification and integrality of its development strategy.
The Camilo Cienfuegos Clinic, through partnerships with other renowned institutions of the Cuban health system, such as the Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology, the Calixto García University Hospital and the National Center for Medical Genetics, articulates the highly specialized scientific medical potential with the expertise, quality and organizational culture, to project a portfolio of high demand products.
Corporate Projection
Provide international medical care and other high quality hospital services through multidisciplinary integration, contributing to improve the health and well-being of our patients, generating satisfaction. From a highly qualified human capital, its more than 300 specialists and technicians articulate their benefits under a common institutional philosophy: to guarantee their specialized and general services with the highest quality, giving due priority to the patient with high professionalism and ethics, there that the following values are prescribed at the organizational level:
Hippocratic and social ethics Humanity, Consecration, Professionalism, Scientific rigor, Teamwork Culture of quality, environment, and safety work health, sense of organizational belonging and corporate social responsibility.

Institutional Recognitions

NC-ISO 9001,14001 Certification
Awarded by AENOR Spain and by the National Standardization Office, 2006-2018.
NC 18000 certification
Awarded by the National Standardization Office, 2014-2018
European Medical Association, EMA
Nomination among the best health institutions of the (EMA) Dubay. 2018

The building has its origin at the end of the 40s of the last century, then one of the most modern physical plants of the functional Vedado La Habana, Cuba. There, a clinic identified as Nuestra Señora del Carmen, owned by the Valle brothers, became a mutual institution and then a polyvalent clinic that included maternal and child services, which would be a public service in the revolutionary period. specialized, open to all social sectors and identified with the name of the guerrilla commander Camilo Cienfuegos.
In 1992, the International Center for Retinitis Pigmentosa Camilo Cienfuegos was created with the ophthalmological profile that distinguishes it to the present and that subsequently diversifies an important group of medical specialties, becoming, as of 2017, INTERNATIONAL CLINIC CAMILO CIENFUEGOS.
I went to the Camilo Cienfuegos Clinic in Cuba with a serious vision problem and came back reading.

The Camilo Cienfuegos International Center provides excellent care, both to the patient and his companion.

El Centro Internacional Camilo Cienfuegos brinda una excelente atención ,tanto al paciente como a su acompañante.

Me fui a la Clínica Camilo Cienfuegos en Cuba con un grave problema de visión y regresé leyendo.

La Clínica Camilo Cienfuegos nos brinda una maravilla de atención en todos los aspectos.

The Camilo Cienfuegos Clinic offers us a wonder of attention in all aspects.

Request our services
Personalized medical programs
To receive treatment at our clinic you must provide information through the form on the right, so that our specialists design a medical program adjusted to your needs.