It is a medical specialty that aims to study the female reproductive system (uterus, vagina, ovaries). The gynecology service of the Camilo Cienfuegos International Clinic has a highly competent staff, at the same time that it articulates an important number of services of a specialized institution.
Pre-eclampsia Amenorrhoea Gestational diabetes. Toxoplasmosis Menopause. Infertility Endometriosis

Atención diferenciada a las afecciones ginecológicas de niñas y adolescentes.Orientación Anticonceptiva y Planificación Familiar.Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las Infecciones del tracto genital Inferior. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la Enfermedad Inflamatoria Pélvica. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos menstruales de causa funcional y orgánica.Diagnóstico y manejo de enfermedades benignas de la mama.
Our clinic has highly qualified specialists able to design a medical program adjusted to your needs. We respect the privacy of our patients and only use the information for the conformation of the medical programs.
Investigations and gynecological procedures
– Specialized gynecological consultation
– Examination by video-colposcope, includes staining with acetic acid solution and Schiller test.
– Sample taking to study vaginal exudate
– Gynecological ultrasound (abdominal and transvaginal) – Ultrasound of breasts
– Obstetric ultrasound
– Immunological test of pregnancy
Request our services
Personalized medical programs
To receive treatment at our clinic you must provide information through the form on the right, so that our specialists design a medical program adjusted to your needs.