Cataract is a disease whose treatment is surgical and the moment of surgery is determined by the patient and the doctor, depending on the limitations it produces.
Cataract is called the partial or total opacity of the lens, it can occur from birth or appear at any stage of life, but it is observed more frequently after 60 years of age. It affects both sexes and once it occurs it produces a slow and progressive decrease in vision, which is the main reason for consultation. It is a disease whose treatment is surgical.

Part of the extraction of the lens through a small incision and placement in place of an intraocular lens with sufficient refractive power to achieve good postoperative visual acuity.
Our clinic has highly qualified specialists able to design a medical program adjusted to your needs. We respect the privacy of our patients and only use the information for the conformation of the medical programs.
Pre-operative studies
Refraction Keratometry, Ocular tensionMicroscopy, endothelialBiometrics, ocular diagnostic ultrasound, intraocular lens calculation, biomicroscopy, fundus examination, treatmentPart of the lens extraction by a small incision and placement in place of an intraocular lens with sufficient refractive power to achieve a good postoperative visual acuity.
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Personalized medical programs
To receive treatment at our clinic you must provide information through the form on the right, so that our specialists design a medical program adjusted to your needs.